Saturday, December 6, 2008

Edinburgh Christmas Market

My days are numbered. I have about two weeks until my dreaded plane flight home to cram in everything I want to see in Scotland and to maybe study for those pesky exams. I'm going to be honest with you- (Mom and Dad, skip ahead a little. Grandma, you too). I have to get a 40% in each of my classes for credit to transfer back to CU. You read that right. Forty percent. My motivation for studying right now... probably lower than that.
My motivation for seeing as much as I can before I leave is extremely high though. We're getting very excited about Christmas over here. As much as I love the freedom of religion thing, living in a Christian country where it's okay to say "Merry Christmas" all the time makes Christmas that much more exciting. As it turns out, it's not just the Germans who have Christmas Markets!
Liz, Aidan, and I went down to the Christmas Market where we watched some ice skaters (but refused to pay 14 pounds to participate), ate candy floss (cotton candy, I know, it's a ridiculous name), and bought some Christmas presents. I was also talked on to the Ferris Wheel.

Just because it looks so pretty from a distance does not mean it is the most stable and un-rickety thing you've ever been on.
Just because it looks so pretty up close does not mean it is the most stable and un-rickety thing you've ever been on.
Liz and Aidan obviously enjoyed it. I was clinging to the middle bar for dear life the entire ride.
Overall, mostly seeing as how I didn't die and/or fall off the Ferris Wheel, I would classify this Christmas Market as a success. Except that they advertise Candy Floss. It's Cotton Candy for crying out loud!
Merry Almost Christmas from Edinburgh!

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