Saturday, December 20, 2008


The time has finally come to head back to the good ol' U S of A. It's the definition of bittersweet. I miss my friends and family like crazy. I'm really excited for snow (we've had about 2 days of "snow" where the flakes never make it to the ground and everyone goes CRAZY about it). I miss driving- I certainly wasn't getting behind the wheel here! And I have to mention that I'm craving Mexican food like you wouldn't believe.
But I've made such amazing friends here and had the time of my life. It'll be weird to not be able to be in another country in a matter of an hour and half. I can't even be in Wyoming in an hour and a half. Do you think we have toasty makers at home? This could be a problem. Thank goodness we can get Cadbury Chocolate in the States.

But before I leave, I still have some things to do. Like, well, take exams.
I just finished my stats final and it went pretty well. EXCEPT... (oh wait, this just turned into a story, back up...)
I asked Aidan if I could use his calculator because I don't feel like buying one for one exam. So he said of course, come get it later tonight. (And it was Ellen's birthday, so we were all going out). I went out and forgot about the calculator. Had a drink, perfect for falling asleep and not worrying about exams, until I woke up and realized that he was still out and I didn't have his calculator and no shops were open early and that he wouldn't want to be woken up at 8. He said it was fine, since he has so much work to do for tomorrow. So I get all ready this morning, go to his room and am knocking for ages (at this point late for my exam of course) and he's not answering the door. And I don't know if he's sleeping or not in. So he finally opens the door and I grab his calculator and run to my exam.
And I'm happily doing well on the first couple pages, bust out the calculator to find standard deviation, and realize that it only tells me answers in fractions. And I can't divide 48/251 in my head. And then I panic. It ended up being fine and they let me borrow a calculator, but it was really stressful at the time.
I have a history exam (3 essays) to write for Wednesday. And now I wish I had been to more lectures and thought about buying a book. It's fine, it'll be great.

Besides exams, which are no fun, there are a few things still on my to-do/see list. So Aidan and Liz have been great tag-a-long tourists (procrastinators) and helped me with my checklist.

First stop: Calton Hill. I just learned it was Calton and not Carlton, you know, since they refuse to pronounce r's here. Anyway, it's Calton Hill and it looks out over Edinburgh and the Parliament District.
It was another balmy day here in Edinburgh- perfect for a hike around the city. There's so much history here that I still haven't discovered. On our walk up the hill, Liz and I went in to this old cemetery. There were graves in there that are from before America was even a country!
Liz and I stayed up all night drinking tea (I still can't get the right ratio of tea to milk...) and talking before her dad came to pick her up for break at 7AM. After a not-so teary goodbye (she's British after all), she got in the car and left me with promises to visit America.

So Aidan got stuck with me for another day. And the last thing on my checklist, you ask? Haggis. That's right- the traditional Scottish delicacy.
Since you (REALLY) don't want to know what it is, I'll tell you something else.

A frequent tale is that a "Haggis" is a small Scottish animal with two legs that are longer than the other set so it can stand on the steep Scottish Highlands without falling over. According to a poll, 33% of American visitors to Scotland believe that Haggis is really an animal. ...And, uh, they're right...

Aidan stayed up with me and walked me to my cab at 3AM to head back to Colorado. With everything checked off my list and the semester at a close, here's to a good long nap on the plane!

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