Thursday, November 6, 2008

Guy Fawkes Night

"Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot. I can think of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot." In 1605 Guy Fawkes and his Catholic cronies tried to blow up the Parliament Building in London. Their plans were foiled and Guy Fawkes Night commemorates the "Gun Powder Plot" and the victory of the government over the Catholic Church. Now it is celebrated with bonfires and fireworks.
Knowing that the best place to watch fireworks is from a height, we naturally headed up Arthur's Seat to see the fireworks.

Seeing as how everyone knows that the best place to watch fireworks is from a height, there was quite a crowd when we arrived. And this crowd thought it was a great idea to send fireworks shooting down into the grass and the innocent picnickers area. So we decided to climb up higher. After about 10 minutes of walking we realized that the fog was so thick that we could hear the music playing and hear the fireworks going off, but we couldn't actually see the fireworks. So we headed down into the valley. I wouldn't say that this is an exceptional valley. It has very tall, thick grass, and stones hidden everywhere. Did I mention that is was misting heavily and that the entire floor of the valley was mud? We kept tripping over things and sliding in the mud all the while desperately trying to get to a place where we could see the fireworks. All the while seeing something about like this:

Yup, that's all the fireworks we could see. After about 30 minutes of this and extremely dirty and wet shoes and pants we arrived...
We climbed the small hill. And we saw 4 fireworks. And we sat down. And we saw 3 fireworks. And then there were no more fireworks. And then we were angry. But never fear.

We brought wine. And a camp stove.

And things for mulling. And glasses.
And a stirring spoon.

And brie. And crackers.

And gummy bears. And extra jackets. So we sat alone on the top of a hill and watched the stray fireworks going off above the city and had cheese and crackers and mulled wine.

Once we were officially freezing, muddy, wet and full of cheese and crackers we headed back to the halls for nice warm showers and beds.

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