Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Day!

It's 5:30 in the morning on November 5th, 2008 and the world is different. But let me back up. I met Barack Obama 4 years ago when he delivered a speech after the last presidential election. I remember Aunt Claudia saying to watch out for him, he was going places. A few years later he started running for President. I started learning about what he stood for and fell in love. I saw him speak in Denver before the Caucus. I did a call bank to make sure the students at CU knew where and when to vote. I registered for a mail-in ballot this summer. When my parents went to early register they inquired into why I had not received a ballot. Something had happened, of course. So after a few e-mails and days of searching for a fax machine, I took all my paperwork and headed to the office in Pollock Halls. I needed a fax machine. They weren't really sure if I could use it. Three women in this office weren't really sure if I could use it. I explained that I needed not only to send my paperwork, but that I needed to receive my ballot and send it back. They weren't really sure. I explained that I was voting for Obama. That this was an important election. Did they really want to know what would happen to the world if McCain won the presidency? No, I thought not. They faxed my paperwork. They charged me 3 pounds, but it was worth it. I went back every half hour to see if my ballot had come in, each time chatting a little with the office ladies, so by the time my ballot came in they all stood up when I came in and exclaimed "IT'S HERE!" I couldn't sleep that night I was so excited. I was a 5 year old before Christmas kind of excited. I returned to the office the next morning and the office ladies were in a twitter when I came in to send my filled out ballot in. We stood around talking politics until my fax had gone through and it was time for class. November 4th was the warmest and sunniest day since I've been here. It was the perfect Obama day. All day I tried to get work done, but I was too giddy. I tried to go to sleep at 10 to wake up at 1 and go to the student union for the election party and just managed to fall asleep about 15 minutes before Aidan called me to go. I got out of bed to check if any states had voted. Barack 3, McCain 8. My stomach dropped. It couldn't end before it had begun! Then it was Barck 3, McCain 16! NO!!

Almost worried...
Phew... this is looking much better. Barack 77, McCain 34.
Aidan and I headed over to the student union. It was killing me being away from a computer or TV for that long. When we got there it was at capacity and we had to wait until someone came out before we could in. And there was a line infront of us. I made Aidan leave, I had to know what was going on. Obama was closer to the 135 range when we got back. At about 3 in the morning we settled in for the long wait.
But it's okay, because we all have crushes on Obama.
To keep ourselves busy we painted in our map (with the help from the Americans of where all the states are) and got into the Obama spirit with a little face paint.
This is Hazel- our American-elect for the Evening and Mrs. Obama...

Aidan started getting sleepy...
But the polls kept coming in and Obama's numbers went higher and higher. We listened to James Taylor and Paul Simon and Elton John until 4:03 in the morning, when we watched the number go over 270 and watched Barack Obama become the next President of the United States of America.
We were ecstatic . I was beside myself. I didn't know if I wanted to cry or laugh or simply stop breathing. I think I was doing all three at the same time for a little while.
Then we jumped up and down and screamed at the top of our lungs and hugged everyone in sight.
The excited American girls- Jamie, Emily and I. And a thoughtful boy in the background for good measure.

Yay America! Yay Obama!
McCain's Concession.
Barack and his family. The next President of the United States!!!!
My hero.

We watched Obama speak for the next 20 minutes or so over the crying of Mara and the distraction of all the hugging and congratulating. I had goosebumps for 20 minutes straight. I have never been so inspired by someone in my life.
I hope you all voted and are excited for the future of this country. I know I am!

Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night (a.k.a. Fireworks or Bonfire Night). I'll try to put some pictures up tomorrow or the next day!

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